The United States has been experiencing the worst drought in decades this year. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, about 63% of the continental U.S. is experiencing drought. And this summer, many towns have had to institute watering bans to converse public water supplies. While Hurricane Isaac brought some relief to parts of the South and Midwest, some states, such as Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Colorado and Iowa, have received little to no relief.
In the past few weeks, many Indiana towns and cities have lifted their watering bans; however, several utilities are still asking citizens to conserve water voluntarily. When we use water wisely, we’re not only helping the environment and our communities, we’re also saving energy used to get water supplies to our homes as well as energy to heat the water we use. So when you use less water, you can save money on your monthly utility bill.
Here are some easy tips you can do to save water around your home – and put some money back into your pocket.
- Fix leaky faucets and plumbing joints. This can save up to 600 gallons of water monthly for every leak that’s stopped.
- Water your lawn only when it needs it. You can save 750 to 1,500 gallons per month.
- Water your lawn and garden in the morning and evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
- Run your dishwasher and washing machine only when they’re full to save up to 1,000 gallons a month.
- Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth or shaving. You’ll save 25 to 60 gallons a month.
- Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors to reduce water consumption by 500 to 800 gallons a month.
- Take shorter showers – even a 1 or 2 minute less can save up to 700 gallons each month.
- Catch the water while you’re waiting for your shower water to heat up. Use the water on house plants or your garden later.
- Throw garbage in the trash rather than down the disposal to save 50 to 150 gallons of water.
- Don’t use the hose to clean the driveway or sidewalks. You’ll save about 150 gallons for each time you use a broom instead.
Grandview Lending wants to help you save money, especially when it comes to your home’s utility bills. We also can help you find the right mortgage solution for your needs if you’re thinking of moving or refinancing in the future. Visit our website for more information.
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