We focus on serving our customers through the philosophy of family values. I believe that helping those in need is one way that a company can serve the individual. Last year we organized a food drive for The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House and this year Grandview Lending is adopting a family. But the staff doesn’t just give during the holiday season. Many (along with their family members) give their time on Saturdays throughout the year to distribute food.
In addition to weekly distribution of food, Anna’s House was created to serve the community of Stringtown/Haughville near the Indianapolis Zoo by providing a home for weekly community dinners, tutoring neighborhood children, a site for life skills training and job placement, and a house for an after-school healthy snack program.
What has attracted Grandview to help out in this ministry was the ease at which we can be involved. It is as simple as showing up on Saturday mornings around 8:30 in the morning. We have been able to take all of our kids and have found them each a job they can help with. Those jobs include opening of plastic bags, separating the over-riped produce with the ripe produce, or taking the guests around the different stations and helping them fill up their bags. As the late Lucious Newsome, founder of the Lord’s Pantry always said, you will meet Christ in the people that come through the lines. It is those encounters which keep us coming back.
Please join us during this holiday season, or any time throughout the year. For more information, please contact me.
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