We’ve all heard the saying, people buy from people. This is true, whether it’s a product, service or a mortgage. We want to know the person we’re dealing with. This develops a trust level that a company logo can’t begin to create.
Therefore, along with mortgage knowledge, I will also share some of my personal life – topics that will help you get to know me. Yes, partly because (hopefully) you’ll know me well enough to trust me with your next mortgage, and then I can get to know you as well. But also because my other life, outside of the business world, might also serve you through areas of interest or of assistance for you or someone you know.
In December I introduced you to Anna’s House. A Community Service Center in Indianapolis, Anna’s House was created to serve people in need. Lucious Newsom and Anna Molloy worked together for years to inspire people to care for the hungry and the needy. In this 2005 photo, Lucious, right, and Anna, second from right, pose during the groundbreaking ceremony for Anna’s House. Charlie Caito, left, and Leo Stenz, two loyal supporters of Anna’s House, participated in the groundbreaking ceremony. (Photo Source: The Criterion Online Edition)
One of the reasons I feel called to Anna’s House is that our daughter has skeletal dysplasia, as Anna did. A different type of dysplasia that Anna had but in the same family of dwarfism. We have created a CaringBridge website and wanted to share this great organization. CaringBridge is a free, nonprofit web service that connects family and friends to share information, love and support during a serious health event, care and recovery. This site has been very helpful for us, as we keep friends and family up to date; their comments in the journal are a great source of comfort for us.
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