Case Study: Subordinate Loan Almost Halted Refinancing
April 5th, 2011
April 5th, 2011
Two previous posts discussed refinancing your current mortgage and how a subordinate loan can affect that process. But there is nothing better than a real-life situation to explain how intertwined your finances are.
A recent customer had difficulty selling their house due to the current housing market. They chose to take their house off the market and remodel instead. It would be easy to refinance, right? Their thought was that with a lower mortgage payment, they would have available funds to make the upgrades in their current home.
Here's a brief outline of what happened:
This customer was surprised, because they were never late on a payment, both hold full-time jobs and have a very good credit rating. Their hopes of remodeling disappeared. They felt all was lost, until a family member suggested they call Grandview Lending. Here's what happened next.
Of course, not all situations turn out this way. However, there are many times we can assist those who feel they have no other options. This is the benefit of working with an experienced mortgage broker. More options, more knowledge and more alternatives.
We provide our clients with exceptional service and integrity which has become our hallmark.