A recent survey by Move Inc. found that nearly 70% of Americans will base their voting decisions in the next presidential election on how the candidate plans to address the current housing crisis.
According to Move Inc. chief revenue officer Errol Samuelson, “After four years of living in a housing downturn, American voters clearly want answers and are looking to our elected leaders for solutions.”
Of the 1,000 people polled in the online real estate provider’s survey:
- 82% of Americans think housing is a critical component to the U.S. economic recovery.
- Nearly 70% of millennials, the next generation of homebuyers, say their vote in 2012 will be influenced by the candidate’s ideas on fixing the housing industry.
- About 75% of people think home-buying conditions will be the same or worse a year from now.
Key areas that survey participants think the next president should focus on include:
- Helping distressed homeowners avoid foreclosure.
- Keeping interest rates low.
- Making more affordable mortgage credit available.
However, among survey participants, there was no clear indication that they want the government to get involved in trying to fix the housing crisis.
- 31% want the government’s role to stay the same.
- Over 21% want the government to increase their involvement.
- 42% want less government involvement.
Of these respondents, 67% of millennials believe the government’s involvement in the housing crisis should be reduced or remain the same. While over 56% of people between the ages of 35 and 64 think the government should have less involvement.
Samuelson believes the survey shows that candidates who share the same concerns as Americans and make housing a top priority will win the voters’ confidence in 2012.
Whatever your thoughts are on the government’s role in the housing industry, Grandview Lending is here to take care of your mortgage needs!
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