As the weather gets colder, homeowners tend to burn fires in the fireplace more frequently. Plus the holidays evoke thoughts of gathering around a crackling fire to socialize, drink hot cocoa and eat holiday treats. However, this warm, cozy atmosphere could potentially be costing you more money in your heating your home.
Fireplaces are great for heating the room that they’re located in, but they’re not so great as far as the rest of the house is concerned. First, most of the heat in traditional wood-burning fireplaces escapes up the chimney. It doesn’t really heat your home’s living spaces. Plus the draft created by the fire and the open chimney flue can pull air into your home through gaps in the windows and doors, causing heat to be lost from other rooms in the house. So, your thermostat will have to work harder to maintain the temperature in your other rooms.
Another issue is wood-burning fireplaces may emit large quantities of air pollutants that can have adverse health effects. However, fireplace inserts (wood-, pellet-, or gas-fueled appliances that fit into a conventional open fireplace) have lower emission rates and are great for boosting your home’s energy efficiency since they help to circulate hot air into a room. Plus, because newer fireplace inserts include a catalytic combustor, you’ll have less buildup of flammable chimney deposits called creosote. So if you decide you want to supplement your home’s heating, make sure you install a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-certified insert.
However, if your home doesn’t have an efficient fireplace insert, and your winter just wouldn’t be the same without a crackling fire, here are some tips to follow for improved efficiency and safety.
- Seal any cracks. Annually, inspect your chimney inside and out for any cracks. Cracks can allow smoke to enter your home; and they can expose your chimney’s components to the heat which may cause a fire. Hire a certified chimney sweep to fix any cracks.
- Lower the thermostat. If you plan on having a fire burn throughout the day or evening, lower your thermostat and close the doors to some of your rooms to save energy. However, just remember you may need to wear a sweater to keep warm in other areas of the house. Plus resist the temptation to turn up the temperature once the fire goes out.
- Choose the right firewood. Make sure the wood is thoroughly dried (at least for six months). Burning wet wood in your fireplace can produce excessive smoke. The best firewood choices are ironwood, rock elm, hickory, oak, sugar maple and beech. Store your wood off of the ground and away from your house to prevent a termite infestation. Also cover the top of the pile to keep it as dry as possible, but leave the sides open for circulation.
- Close the damper. When you’re not using your fireplace, keep the damper closed. However, make sure the seal is as snug as possible to keep air from escaping up the flue. And never close the fireplace damper until the fire is completely out.
- Have your fireplace and chimney inspected annually. The National Fire Protection Association suggests you have your chimney and fireplace inspected once a year by a professional. An annual inspection (even if you don’t use your fireplace that often) will uncover any blockages caused by animal nests or other repairs needed. Also, you should clean your chimney flue whenever you have a 1/8” of soot built up. An accumulation of soot and creosote can cause a fire to occur in your flue which can easily spread to the roof and your home.
By following these tips you can save money on your energy bills and stay safe while still enjoying a roaring fire this winter.
Grandview Lending wishes you and your family a happy holiday season. And when you’re ready to purchase a new home or refinance your existing home, we can help you reduce the risk – and the stress – of your loan approval process.
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