Summer is a great time to get away from it all. But while you’re away, your empty home can be an open invitation to potential thieves. While the annual percentage of property crimes is down per FBI statistics, the number of home invasions generally increases during the summer months when people are away. Therefore, to protect your property and belongings while you’re gone – and reduce your worries – take these extra precautions before you leave.
- Lock all your doors and windows. If you have a sliding glass door, install a metal rod in the track of the door. Turn off or unplug your garage door opener. And make sure the door between your home and the garage is locked, too.
- Ensure your home looks occupied. Set timer switches on your lamps so they turn on and off randomly. Leave exterior lights on – or put them on timers. Set your DVR to record shows and turn your TV on randomly while you’re gone. Have neighbors occasionally move cars in your driveway to give the appearance that you’re still around.
- Ask neighbors to check your home periodically. Have them turn lights on and off randomly if you don’t have timers set up. Have them pick up the mail or paper. Plus they can water your plants and take care of your animals.
- Never hide a house key outdoors. Give them to a trusted neighbor instead. Burglars are familiar with those rock-shaped key holders or the key under the flowerpot trick.
- Hold your mail and other delivery services. Stacks of mail in the mailbox and piles of yellowing newspapers are a sign that you’re not at home. If you can’t arrange for a neighbor to pick up your mail or other deliveries, contact the post office, the newspaper and other companies to stop deliveries until you return.
- Don’t broadcast your vacation plans. Tell only trusted family members or friends that you’ll be away. Never talk about your plans on social media sites, because you never know who may be reading your posts and anticipating your departure.
- Keep up on lawn care. Have a neighbor or a lawn care service come mow your grass, especially if you’re going to be gone for awhile. However, pay them in advance and don’t tell them that you’ll be gone.
- Install a home security system. A security system can be a good investment if you have the budget for it – and the time to have it installed before you leave. Plus, you’ll have the added protection when you are home.
Enjoy your trip and get some much needed relaxation while you’re gone.
At Grandview Lending, we value our customer relationships. So, we’re honestly concerned about you and your home’s safety. We know your home is an investment you want to protect.
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