We all know that the housing market is down. I don’t think there is an adult in the United States that doesn’t realize that! But this market is not bad news for some people.
I read an article on Forbes.com by Kerry Hannon, titled “Buy Now, Retire Later.” Hanon stated that he believes this is the perfect time for “well-off boomers to buy marked-down properties in attractive resort areas they want to move to–or at least spend more time in–once they dial back their working hours.”
I couldn’t agree more with Hannon. If you have plans to own a home elsewhere in a few years when you’re ready to retire, do consider buying it now.
Hannon cited the 2011National Association of Realtors Investment and Vacation Home Buyers Survey results as support for this thought process:
- in 2010, vacation home buyers’ average age was 49
- 34% planned to use the house as a primary residence in the future (retirement)
- the 2010 vacation home median sales price was $150,000, down 11% from 2009.
If you can pay cash, it’s the best way to purchase your retirement home. A cash sale will find a better deal. In 2009, 29% of vacation home buyers paid cash. In 2010, that number was up to 40%.
Watch the market. Depending on where you plan to retire – or just purchase a vacation home – you might want to jump on it now. The majority of analysts are predicting another housing drop (approximately 5%) before the end of this year. But different areas of the country are not expected to bottom out until late in 2012, so know the market to make a strategic buying decision.
If you are one of the 60% who do not have the ability to pay cash for your retirement home, talk to a professional mortgage broker to help you with the transaction.
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